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Kitchen and Bathroom Tile for Sale & Best Solid Wood Kitchen Cabinet Company

When you make the decision to renovate your home, or when you have a new home built, choosing the finishes is exciting. After all the demo or building, it's finally time for the fun stuff. So when you need kitchen and bathroom tile for sale and the best solid wood kitchen cabinet company, you need us. We have been helping residents of Dillon, SC, Hartsville, Florence, and other areas throughout South Carolina save money on their remodeling needs.

We don't want our clients to have to choose something that they really don't love just because of the price. When you look for kitchen and bathroom tile for sale, you need us, we want you to smile when we tell you the price, we never want to see a look of shock and disappointment.

Your home deserves the best kitchen cabinets. Don't settle for cheap cabinets that won't last. Come to the best solid wood kitchen cabinet company in the area that creates cabinets that are built to stand up to life in a busy household. They look great and have that high-end look that you want in your kitchen. Only you will know how inexpensive they were.

We have always thought that the public should have access to the same low prices that contractors have. You shouldn't have to pay more just because you have the talent and desire to do the job yourself. We never understood the concept of charging customers more just because they didn't hire a contractor. We are proud to be able to bring you this high-quality merchandise at low, wholesale prices. Be sure to check us out before you begin your next remodeling job. Stop in to see us, or check out our website at

just a short phone call away

(843) 283-8001

​for an estimate
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