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Professionally Engineered Flooring Near Me & Quality Vinyl Flooring for Sale

There are so many flooring options on the market these days, it's almost enough to overwhelm the homeowner who is just trying to choose the best flooring option for their home. We can help our wonderful customers in Lake City, SC, Dillon, Hartsville, and nearby areas. We are Flooring and Cabinet Tradecenter. The first way that we help you is by having low, wholesale prices. This allows you to choose the floor that you love instead of just the most budget-friendly option. All of our choices are budget friendly. Learn more about our low pricing through our website at While there, you can also check out some of our products. We have so much more than just flooring.

You probably already know how wonderful hardwood floors are. They are durable, and they can be sanded down and stained again whenever you want. If you put a hardwood floor in, it's the only floor that you'll have to put down. Laminates are also a great option. They can look just like real hardwood flooring, but it can be bought for a fraction of the cost.

One downside of hardwood flooring is that it doesn't do well in damp spaces. That's when you need to find 'professionally engineered flooring near me'. Fortunately, we carry engineered hardwood for the homeowners who want the look of real wood but don't want it ruined by moisture. Engineered flooring hardwood is a man-made option. The floor is created in layers, with real wood on the top and bottom layer. It's a good choice for moist areas, or even over concrete slabs.

When you're looking for quality vinyl flooring for sale as a second option, we are your best choice. Vinyl flooring is super easy to care for; a damp mop is all that's needed. It's very affordable. It's actually the least expensive flooring option in most cases. It comes in a huge array of colors and patterns, so it's easy to find something to coordinate with any room in the home.

Come on down to choose your next new floor.

just a short phone call away

(843) 283-8001

​for an estimate
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